I love 8-bit culture. Pixel art, chiptune music and classic video games. All those things give me an 8-bit feel that evokes a comfortable nostalgia.
Today, I will make a chiptune song with BUMBLY. You all know Tetris theme, right? Let's make this. The title of Tetris theme is 'Korobeiniki' and this is originally a 19th century Russian folk song.
I make four sounds for this song. Two leads, one bass and one drum sound.
Lead 1 The sound of main melody. Use 25% pulse. Add reverb slightly with 'Room Simulation'.
Lead 2 The sound for chorus in the second half of the song. Use square wave. Make sound thick with 'Between Wings Variation'. Also add reverb.
Bass The Lower part of the song. Use triangle wave.
Drums For percussive sound, use noise and Amplitude Envelope (ADSR). Set sustain zero and add small decay.
Let's listen to the sounds with Korobeiniki.